Project Experience

S.N Supported By Project Name Year Activities
1 Ktm DDC Women empowerment 2017

Life skill training and women empowering training

2 Geneva Globle VASE 2014-run..

Child club and adolescence group mobilization, empowerment program, capacity development program, education, vocational training, saving and credit group mobilization, legal and health support, counseling etc.

3 Ecpat Luxembourg APSARA 2015-2016 (again going to start from july 2017)

Education, counseling, legal and health class and support, vocational, business support, life skill training, trafficking prevention program in source district, re-integration, stakeholder meeting etc.

4 Biswas Nepal Wonder works 2012-2013

Wonder works support to 2012 t0 20213 one years for Entertainments sector workers. Basis focused inĀ  Income generating supporting part.

5 Nasir Project 2011

Income generating support

6 TDH NBNP CASE Protection 2010-2012 2013-2014 2014-run

Field visit, vocational, business, family re-integration, life skill training, counseling, Interaction with stakeholder, legal orientation case management, MAC mobilization, DEPAC meeting, health hygiene program, education, recreational program, capacity development program OCAT etc.

7 FTS through Shakti Samuha Free the Slave 2009-2015

Women empowering, saving and credit

8 World Education Bright Future NBNP 2008-2009 2010-2013

Education, business, vocational, life skill training (NBNP)

Vocational training and business sup(BF)